KOSGEB 4th SME and Entrepreneurship Award Ceremony was held in Ankara ATO Congresium with the participation of Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu. The Award Ceremony was held with the participation of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey Ahmet Davutoğlu, Deputy Prime Minister Lütfi Elvan, Minister of Science, Industry and Technology Fikri Işık, Minister of Customs and Trade Bülent Tüfenkçi, General Manager of Halk Bank Ali Fuat Taşkesenlioğlu, many Members of Parliament, representatives of Public Institutions and Organizations and many guests. At the 4th SME and Entrepreneurship Awards Ceremony of 2015, our Chairman of the Board of Directors Memet Aldıkaçtı, on behalf of our company, was presented the SUCCESSFUL SME OF THE YEAR GRAND AWARD by our Prime Minister Mr. PROF. DR. AHMET DAVUTOĞLU.