Being an environment-friendly and recyclable material, Polyberk is used in heat and sound insulation due to its closed-cell structure. Ensuring easiness to use with its lightweight and flexible structure, Polyberk is a long-life, odourless, HCFC-free heat and sound insulation sheet, highly resistant to water and moisture.

Technical Specifications
- Density
- 25-32 kg/m3
- Factor of Thermal Conductivity
- 0.040 W / (mK)
- Water Vapor Permeability
- 5000 m £
- Soaking Water Absorption
- % 0.4
- Noise Attenuation
- 19-23 dB
- Tensile Strength (L)
- 0.40 N / mm 2
- Tensile Strength (W)
- 0.20 N / mm 2
- Tensile Strain (L)
- %80
- Tensile Strain (W)
- %68
- Service Temperature
- -40oC +100oC
Technological Advantages
- Provides the most efficient heat and sound insulation according to the technical requirements of building.
- Resistant to construction chemicals,
- Easily thermoformable in a wide range of temperature.
- Easy and quick to install due to its high flexibility and lightweight,
- Environment-friendly and HCFC-free.
Diverse Production Capacity
- Producible in any density in the range of 2-15 mm - 25-35 kg/m3
- Production of boards with a thickness up to 80 mm apart from standard thickness
- Production with single-face&double-face foil, film, tape lamination, optional.
- Production with fire performance enhancer additive, optionally.