Produced from cross-linked foam material, having closed cell, moisture-resistant, flexible, odour-free, free from any chemical or heavy metal harmful for human health, with no time-dependent wearign and deformation and clear of mold, fungi and bacteria, Foamex provides solutions for sounda and heat insulation of buildings with flexible options of production.

Technical Specifications
- Density
- 30 - 45 - 90 - 180 kg/m3
- Tensile Strength
- 200 - 400 - 900 - 1900 kPa
- Compression Set (70kPa-60sn)
- %5 - %5 - %2 - %1
- Thermal Conductivity (-15oC)
- 0.035 - 0.040 - 0.045 - 0.060 W / (mK)
- Water Vapor Permeability
- 5.4 - 2.6 - 2.2 - 1.4 (kg/mPa) E-13
- Application Temperature
- -80oC +100oC
- Impact Noise Reduction
- 26-36 dB
- Elongation at Break
- %70 - %80 - %140 - %240
General Information
- Material thicknesses is determined as per the principles set out in TSE 825 Thermal Insulation.
- Values are laboratory test values.
- Dynamic hardness value is according to the principle of 10 mm 30 kg/m3-59MN/m3.
Diverse Production Capacity
- Production at desired density in the density range of 25 kg/m3-200 kg/m3
- Production of boards with thickness up to 80 mm apart from the thickness of 3 to 20 mm
- Production with single-face&double-face foil, film, tape and fabric lamination
- Optional fire retardant production.
Technological Advantages
- Provides heat and sound insulation meeting the technical requirements of building.
- Resistant to construction chemicals.
- Extremely durable and resistant to wearing over time.
- Highly resistant to impact, quickly recovers after impact with no dent formation.
- Easily thermoformable in a wide range of temperatures.
- No heat-related size change during processing and use.
- Easy and quick to install due to its high flexibility and ligthweight.
- Resistant to water and moisture and free from HCFC.
- Antibacterial having none of fungus and mold formed on it.